Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The silver Lining/ Ten month LID

I took this picture a few weeks ago and now as I look at it I am hopeful. More so than I have been in months I just can not help it. To tell the truth even if I crash and burn from being up in the clouds right now it is worth it. I need this refreshing change from all the monthly doom and gloom, something to look forward to instead of dread. You know like looking forward to seeing my daughters face before the end of the year instead of dreading the wait for another nine months. Ahhh the silver lining is so sweet.... I really do think that the CCAA has always had some type of master plan to keep the wait to around 12 months and it is now starting to come into focus. With our 9/12 LID that means we could actually see our daughters face in Sept. but I really feel it will be OCT. Either way I will be over the moon as I had such despair feeling like it would not happen till next march.

So I am celebrating today. Celebrating that we have survived the wait for ten months not counting all the previous waiting with the paperchase and so on. To day IS a good day , I am going to enjoy it and be happy!

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