Monday, July 31, 2006

PB & J

I am so proud of my little man. He has accomplished another first in his life, and was rewarded with a great lunch. Yep that is right James has successfully made his first PB & J. I was going to make lunch and the next thing I know James has taken the bread out of my hand saying " I will do it". I must admit my first thought was what a mess that would be, but wiser thoughts prevailed and I realized that he is really getting to be such a big boy and this is just another first in the raising of a child. Besides that is what cleaning products are for and a mess never hurt anyone. So in all his glory he created his master piece and I dutifully took a few pictures of the momentous occasion.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Looking Back

I was inspired today by another blogger to go back and look at some of my older scrapbook pages and so I thought I would share. Yesterday I sat down and just looked at the books (many books) I have done for James in his five years of life and I am pretty far behind right now, about a year and a half behind with some things ughhhh! Well as I looked at these pages I just wanted to cry. I thought he was such a big boy here when really he was still such a baby. He is my first and I was caught up in making sure he was always ahead of the game like rolling over as early as possible and sitting and crawling and walking.... WHAT was I thinking! I wish the baby moments did not go by so fast and if I had it to do all over again I would RELAX and just enjoy him more. Maybe not try to make him a big boy so fast. I know with Miah I am going to just slow down and take time with the little things, and I am starting to do that with James now too. I want him to be a little kid and embrace childhood, now do not get me wrong I am by no means a stuffy mom I let him play, but I also expect a lot from him and sometimes it is really more than I should. I mean he is only five and it is in his nature to be messy, loud and whinny at times and I find myself telling him "your not a baby, don't do such and such" when really I just need to relax a little more and enjoy the moment.
Enjoy the pictures and check back soon as I am going to load a few just finished pages here in a bit.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The silver Lining/ Ten month LID

I took this picture a few weeks ago and now as I look at it I am hopeful. More so than I have been in months I just can not help it. To tell the truth even if I crash and burn from being up in the clouds right now it is worth it. I need this refreshing change from all the monthly doom and gloom, something to look forward to instead of dread. You know like looking forward to seeing my daughters face before the end of the year instead of dreading the wait for another nine months. Ahhh the silver lining is so sweet.... I really do think that the CCAA has always had some type of master plan to keep the wait to around 12 months and it is now starting to come into focus. With our 9/12 LID that means we could actually see our daughters face in Sept. but I really feel it will be OCT. Either way I will be over the moon as I had such despair feeling like it would not happen till next march.

So I am celebrating today. Celebrating that we have survived the wait for ten months not counting all the previous waiting with the paperchase and so on. To day IS a good day , I am going to enjoy it and be happy!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In a Moment

Have you ever watched something happen that was totally out of your control and yet it seemed to be moving in slow motion. Well James took a nose dive off the two inch step on our front entrance and as I turned I saw him fly through the air, hit the concrete and then roll onto his back. As you can see in the picture above he hit the concrete with his face first. Not a thing I could do but pick him up, cuddle him and tell him he would be ok. However I was not ok, no in fact I was shaken to the core! As a parent I am always saying be careful, watch out, slow down, don't run, and a million other phrases all in order to keep him safe, but in a moment with out warning things can happen no matter how careful I am and that is scary.... Very scary to me!!
Randy and I joke about wanting to put him in a bubble, we know it is impossible but still how do you keep them safe and not smother them at the same time? This was really a minor thing and I am grateful for that, in fact James is all healed up now with the exception of a small scar that will all but fade away in the coming days. I guess I am writing this to remind myself to cherish every moment and to be on guard!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy Birthday James

Five years ago today my dream of becoming a mom came true. I have written about our story before and if you would like to read it you can find it on our home page under James' story.

It hardly seems like he should be two let alone five and I am just amazed that he is ours. James is one bright, amazing little guy with a love for life and an ability to make others smile uncontrollably. We love you son!

This page to the left is the day we brought him home and it is a tribute to his adoption the words read :
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a mother. I have dreamed and prayed for the moment I would hold a beautiful baby in my arms and eventually I began to beg and cry out to God for the child I yearned for not understanding why it was taking years to conceive. Seven years I waited for you and God did answer my prayer with the most perfect child for me. I did not carry you in my womb but in my heart. My struggle to get pregnant was only the road that lead me to where you are and I would not change that for all the world. Adopting you is the reason God made me wait. You are my special gift and even more precious to me than I could ever imagine... I love you My James now and Forever you will be my Baby Mine.

We are so blessed with our son that I can not even imagine how much more wonderful our world will be when we bring Miah home. Twice the birthdays will be so great.... I can not wait!!!

From a baby to a big boy just like his daddy. Now James is into remote controlled cars and the Cars movie. He loves bubble gum and tormenting our dogs. His favorite food is tomatoes and pickles. He hates to be woken up in the morning (yep he's my kid) and he sticks his tongue out when he is really concentrating ( just like his daddy) see photo!
Five wonderful years ..... I love you James!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Fourth of July for Us

Fourth of July this year came and went with no fire crackers or sparkler for us this year, and I missed them! However there was lots of family fun and a few suprises along the way.

As we pulled up to James' GreatGrandFathers home in Log Cabin Tx we were greeted by four baby armadillos. They were to young to be aggressive and to dumb to be scared so we got to get up close and personal with them, I even reached out to touch them and they just continued to root for bugs and go about their business as if we were just a part of the scenery. James was not sure what to think and took it all in moment by moment. I think the kicker for him was when one of them decided to figure out what my camera was and walked right up to me and sniffed my lens. James kept a pretty good distance from then on.

James was again out numbered by little girls, it seems every where we go he is the only little boy around. Today he was in the company of his cousins one of which we were newly introduced to and are so glad to finally know. Samantha and Hailie were a blast and both Hams for the camera. All three of the kids are within a year of each other so they a wonderful time playing and just being kids.

It is wonderful to know that they will grow up in a land that is FREE. They will have opportunities to pursue anything they choose and the right to speak their minds. They are full of raw potential to achieve the unimaginable and this land is fertile ground for their imaginations. Thank you America for being the home we love and hold so dear. May you continue to flourish and grow as a Nation.