Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reflections... I heart Faces

So Last Night James lost his tooth!!! This is such a big deal for us as it has been over a year since he lost his first bottom two front teeth and this tooth has been wiggly for over six months... go figure. Any way this is James checking out the new look and I could not help but capture it. I angled a second mirror behind him to get multiple images, and used him as a shield from showing me in the shot. If you want to see more great photo be sure and click on the button up top... it will take you to some great talent and really fun photos!


Drew said...

Great photo. I love how you captured the theme but also captured a very important moment in any little boy's life. The repeat reflection is so cool!

Unknown said...

very cute shot

Kim said...

I love the reflections! I hadn't thought of getting a second mirror out. How creative of you! Not to mention that you captured a moment in his life that matters to him. :)

I played too...come on over!